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About Paula Shoyer

Paula Shoyer is the author of 5 cookbooks: the Instant Pot Kosher Cookbook  Healthy Jewish Kitchen (Sterling Epicure 2017), The New Passover Menu (Sterling 2015),  The Holiday Kosher Baker (Sterling Press 2013), and The Kosher Baker: 160 dairy-free desserts from traditional to trendy (Brandeis 2010). Paula’s recipes have been featured in newspapers, magazines, websites, blogs and on radio and TV shows all over the United States, Canada, Israel and even Asia. Go to Press Page for more information.

Paula is a French-trained pastry chef who teaches cooking and baking classes all around the world. She does demonstrations as fundraisers for synagogues from Reform to Orthodox, Jewish Community Centers and organizations. She has taught 250 virtual cooking classes since April 2020.

She does freelance writing for publications including Washington Post and Paula is an influencer and brand ambassador for companies.

Paula has been on TV over 55 times. Appearances include Food Network’s Sweet GeniusHome & Family on the Hallmark Channel, Fox Morning News New York, WGN’s Lunchbreak, Daytime, and news shows WUSA9 Washington, San Diego Living, NBC Washington and Baltimore, among others, including i24 news in Israel. Paula is a regular on WJLA Good Morning Washington. You can watch her shows here.

Paula has two travel video shows, Paula’s Hidden Tastes of Israel and The Kosher Baker in Paris, released on Facebook, and archived on Youtube.

In Summer 2022, Paula launched her first food tour to Israel, Savor Israel Tours, with all hands-on cooking classes all over Israel. Follow her for details about upcoming tours.

She has been on several radio shows and podcasts including the Kojo Nnamdi Show and the Martha Stewart Morning Living radio show on XM Sirius.

Paula develops dessert recipes that are dairy-free, sugar-free, gluten-free and vegan, as well as modern, healthier kosher food.

Paula also started a Facebook group called Kosher Baker.

In the past few years Paula has been honored for her work by Jewish Women International, the Hamptons Hadassah and the kosher food community as a “Kosher Food Pioneer.”

Freelance Columns:

Bnai Brith Magazine

Give Global Traditions a Seat at Your Passover Table

The Miracle of Oil in Chanukah Cooking

A Fresh Look at Tu B’Shvat

For the New Year: Old World Tastes and Modern Methods